13 Proven Ways to Improve Your Nonprofit Landing Pages
What we learned about nonprofit landing pages from over 80 experiments

The most effective nonprofit landing pages look a lot different than you might expect. Many “best practice” landing pages include big header images, in-line quotations, and have minimal copy so that visitors get to the form faster.

But after A/B testing over 80 nonprofit landing pages, we’ve found these “best practices” actually hurt conversion rates, and are keeping organizations from acquiring new potential donors.

The good news is that these experiments also revealed 13 essential elements that are statistically proven to lift conversion rates and help you acquire more emails and potential donors for your organization.

Copyright 2017 NextAfter

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Date:  Thursday, Aug. 17th, 2017
Time:  11am PT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET 
Duration:  1 Hour

As the Senior Director of Research and Education at NextAfter, Jon evaluates the  ever-growing nonprofit research library to uncover new learnings about donors  and turn his findings into practical and actionable learnings for nonprofit marketers and fundraisers.

About Jon Powell

On August 17th at 1pm CT, Jon Powell is going to discuss these 13 elements, and demonstrate – using case studies with top nonprofit organizations – how each can improve your landing pages.

During the webinar, Jon will discuss topics including:

  • Landing page layout
  • Copy length
  • Types of images
  • Form length
  • Testimonials and more...

Get the most thoroughly researched template for your nonprofit landing pages by reserving your spot for the webinar using the form below.

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