How communal language on a campaign sticky bar affects donations

Experiment ID: #57444


Experiment Summary

Timeframe: 04/21/2021 - 04/27/2021

During KCBI’s spring campaign, we wanted to test communal language on their campaign sticky bar. Their typical sticky bar language focused on the urgency of the need and the end of the campaign with a countdown sticky bar. We paired that urgency and countdown with language that focused on the common value proposition that brings the reader into the community of KCBI. This language matches much of the way they talk on air during their fundraisers and they talk to their constituents like family. So it was a natural fit for their audience.

Research Question

Communal language on a sticky bar will lead to stronger donor conversion


C: Control
T1: Communal Language


 Treatment NameConv. RateRelative DifferenceConfidenceAverage Gift
C: Control 20.6%$0.00
T1: Communal Language 18.4%-10.5% 36.5%$0.00

This experiment has a required sample size of 2,570 in order to be valid. Unfortunately, the required sample size was not met and a level of confidence above 95% was not met so the experiment results are not valid.

Key Learnings

The communal language increased donations by 16% and revenue by 29%. And there were no demographics that experienced a valid decrease in conversion. Our hypothesis was correct that using communal language coupled with urgency would resonate with their audience. That is because the copy started by connecting the most important points of value for their readers, connecting those to the mission and the outcome of the campaign.

Experiment Documented by NextAfter

Question about experiment #57444

If you have any questions about this experiment or would like additional details not discussed above, please feel free to contact them directly.