After years of research, we’ve discovered that most nonprofits are ineffectively communicating their value proposition and are losing donors as a result.
This ground-breaking study of 127 of the largest nonprofit organizations will help you understand the need to communicate your value proposition effectively, and equip you to answer the fundamental value proposition question:

Why should I give to you, rather than some other organization, or not at all?
After seeing the results of this study, Ron Pilling of The Jesse Klump Memorial Fund said:
The 4 components of a value proposition resonated with me…My goal now is to to use what I learned to build a convincing value proposition and make sure that everyone knows it and understands it. – Ron Pilling
Learn how you can effectively craft and communicate your value proposition and acquire more donors and dollars than ever before by requesting your free copy the eBook, Why Should I Give to You?, below.
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Learn how you can effectively craft and communicate your value propositon and acquire more donors and dollars than ever before by requesting your free copy of the eBook, Why Should I Give to You?