
How a new blog post title affects click-throughs in a Facebook ad

Experiment ID: #9562


Experiment Summary

Timeframe: 10/16/2018 - 10/24/2018

In this experiment, we were trying to drive more traffic to a new blog post on email subject lines. The original blog post title focused on the “Nonprofit Email Subject Line Formula” since the blog itself presents a new formula to use to craft an effective subject line. But we wondered if we could create more interest and more traffic by making the title a little more tangible with “5 Ways to Improve…”

Research Question

Will a new blog title focusing on the “5 ways to improve” increase traffic to the blog post?


C: Subject Line Formula
T1: 5 Ways to Improve Subject Lines


 Treatment NameClick RateRelative DifferenceConfidence
C: Subject Line Formula 0.64%
T1: 5 Ways to Improve Subject Lines 1.9%200.8% 98.2%

This experiment has a required sample size of 804 in order to be valid. Since the experiment had a total sample size of 2,394, and the level of confidence is above 95% the experiment results are valid.

Flux Metrics Affected

The Flux Metrics analyze the three primary metrics that affect revenue (traffic, conversion rate, and average gift). This experiment produced the following results:

    200.8% increase in traffic
× 0% increase in conversion rate
× 0% increase in average gift

Key Learnings

The new blog post title increase traffic by 200% to the blog post. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what about the traffic’s motivation caused this change. I would hypothesize that the idea of a learning a proven formula is a little too high of a bar for new visitors to the NextAfter site. But making the blog appear more bite-size with the new title lowered the bar, thus resulting in greater traffic.

Experiment Documented by Nathan Hill
Nathan Hill is Vice President, NextAfter Institute.

Question about experiment #9562

If you have any questions about this experiment or would like additional details not discussed above, please feel free to contact them directly.