International Mission Board

How adding a recurring giving pop up during the giving process impacts monthly gifts

Experiment ID: #147736

International Mission Board

Experiment Summary

Timeframe: 05/02/2023 - 05/18/2023

In an effort to increase the number of monthly donors, we wanted to prompt more people to give a monthly gift on the IMB’s main donation page. After the first step of the giving process (selecting one time + gift amount + selecting “Give Now”), they would receive a pop up that asked people to change their gift frequency to monthly. They would receive a custom ask amount based off of their original one-time gift amount. If their gift was over $200, they did not receive this prompt.

Our hypothesis is that this prompt would draw more attention to the monthly option and provide additional value proposition language as to why someone should make a monthly gift as opposed to a one-time gift.

Research Question

We believe that adding a recurring giving interruptor for those making a one time gift on the main donate page will achieve an increase in monthly giving because we are adding clarity as to why someone should make a recurring gift instead of a one-time gift.


C: Control
T1: Donation Interrupter - Next step pop-up


 Treatment NameConv. RateRelative DifferenceConfidenceAverage Gift
C: Control 1.5%
T1: Donation Interrupter - Next step pop-up 1.9%27.6% 39.6%

This experiment has a required sample size of 7,574 in order to be valid. Unfortunately, the required sample size was not met and a level of confidence above 95% was not met so the experiment results are not valid.

Key Learnings

The experiment aimed to increase the number of monthly donors on IMB’s main donation page by adding a pop-up interruptor that prompted people to change their gift frequency to monthly after the first step of the giving process. The hypothesis was that this would draw more attention to the monthly option and provide additional value proposition language as to why someone should make a monthly gift as opposed to a one-time gift.

The experiment ran for 15 days and showed that the treatment group saw a 27.6% increase in Monthly Donations with a 39.6% statistical level of confidence. This means that this resulted in virtually no difference in monthly gifts.

But, we did see a valid decrease in overall gifts. A 35% decrease with a level of confidence of 99%. This data point tells us that the pop up was not motivating enough for people to make a monthly gift, but disruptive enough for people to potentially abandon the giving process.

This experiment will be retested in a different channel – an instant donation page in an offer funnel. It could be that motivations are different enough for prospective donors that we would see different results.

Experiment Documented by NextAfter

Question about experiment #147736

If you have any questions about this experiment or would like additional details not discussed above, please feel free to contact them directly.