
How connecting value proposition with urgency on a Facebook ad increases click through rates

Experiment ID: #58244


FamilyLife® has been committed to helping individuals find biblical help for their marriage and family relationships. Through the Weekend to Remember® marriage getaways, FamilyLife Today® radio broadcasts, The Art of Marriage® video event, and the many other resources and content, God has used FamilyLife to restore hope for millions of couples and transform their lives.

Experiment Summary

Timeframe: 03/13/2021 - 04/22/2021

FamilyLife had been running some ads for their Dates to Remember offer, and they asked us to test out some new copy. The original copy stated a potential problem “Maybe you’ve discovered” and then suggested the box as a solution. Since the offer was for dates with your spouse, in our treatment copy, we focused on the value proposition around that concept and explained why it was important. Then we discussed how the box fit that need and added a sense of urgency at the end.

Research Question

More value proposition will increase click through rates


C: Original Copy
T1: Value Proposition and Urgency Copy


 Treatment NameClick RateRelative DifferenceConfidence
C: Original Copy 1.2%
T1: Value Proposition and Urgency Copy 1.6%39.1% 100.0%

This experiment has a required sample size of 5,226 in order to be valid. Since the experiment had a total sample size of 135,894, and the level of confidence is above 95% the experiment results are valid.

Flux Metrics Affected

The Flux Metrics analyze the three primary metrics that affect revenue (traffic, conversion rate, and average gift). This experiment produced the following results:

    39.1% increase in traffic
× 0% increase in conversion rate
× 0% increase in average gift

Key Learnings

The treatment increased the click through rate by 39%, getting more traffic to the page, which is the first step in optimizing a funnel. We hypothesize this is because we gave the reader more incentive to purchase the item and gave them a reason to do it right away.

We could not sufficiently track purchases from these ads. After we fix the tracking we will continue to test around this concept. But the next iteration for now is testing more engaging creative that matches this ad copy.

Experiment Documented by NextAfter

Question about experiment #58244

If you have any questions about this experiment or would like additional details not discussed above, please feel free to contact them directly.