Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

How personalization impacts instant donor conversion

Experiment ID: #35415

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

Experiment Summary

Timeframe: 09/02/2020 - 11/16/2020

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association offered people the opportunity to get a free downloadable guide that walks people through the Gospel using the ABC’s. The guide is meant for parents and grandparents to walk their child or grandchild through the Bible in a fun and interactive way. After a person signs up to receive the content, they are immediately presented with a confirmation page that confirms their resource will be sent to them and presents and opportunity for them to give. Since the user signed up for the offer giving their first name, we wanted to test the donation page that congratulated the user by name. We were interested to see if this personalization would increase engagement on the page and humanize the “transaction”, resulting in an increased conversion rate. We split the traffic coming to the page 50/50.

Research Question

How will personalizing the confirmation of a person’s sign-up impact donor conversion?


C: Control
T1: Personalization


 Treatment NameConv. RateRelative DifferenceConfidence
C: Control 3.2%
T1: Personalization 4.0%25.6% 97.4%

This experiment has a required sample size of 4,012 in order to be valid. Since the experiment had a total sample size of 10,255, and the level of confidence is above 95% the experiment results are valid.

Flux Metrics Affected

The Flux Metrics analyze the three primary metrics that affect revenue (traffic, conversion rate, and average gift). This experiment produced the following results:

    0% increase in traffic
× 25.6% increase in conversion rate
× 0% increase in average gift

Key Learnings

By adding personalization to the confirmation…..

Experiment Documented by Courtney Gaines
Courtney Gaines is Vice President at NextAfter.

Question about experiment #35415

If you have any questions about this experiment or would like additional details not discussed above, please feel free to contact them directly.