Care Net

How using communal language in an email appeal impacts clicks

Experiment ID: #56313

Care Net

Experiment Summary

Timeframe: 03/03/2021 - 03/08/2021

Care Net found very positive results in a previous experiment with using communal language. This experiment was run on the homepage of their website. They wanted to test this similar approach in an email appeal to see if they would see a similar response through this donor theory. To test it, communal language was added to the call-to-action of the email appeal.

Research Question

How will communal language impact conversion in an email appeal?


C: Control
T1: Treatment #1


 Treatment NameClick RateRelative DifferenceConfidence
C: Control 1.3%
T1: Treatment #1 1.3%3.9% 10.6%

This experiment has a required sample size of 394,032 in order to be valid. Unfortunately, the required sample size was not met and a level of confidence above 95% was not met so the experiment results are not valid.

Key Learnings

The communal language variation had no impact on click rate or donor conversion. This is due to the low engagement rate of the email. We will test this approach again in an email appeal and incorporate more communal language throughout the email to see if we can increase engagement and conversion.

Experiment Documented by Courtney Gaines
Courtney Gaines is Vice President at NextAfter.

Question about experiment #56313

If you have any questions about this experiment or would like additional details not discussed above, please feel free to contact them directly.