Care Net

Will smart content on a general donation page increase donor conversion?

Experiment ID: #21306

Care Net

Experiment Summary

Timeframe: 04/09/2020 - 04/26/2020

We have been exploring a new donation page solution provided by DepositFix. These pages are built within Hubspot, so we can use Hubspot’s smart content on the donation page to reference a visitors name, past giving, etc. We decided to test a radical redesign of our general donation page featuring the visitor’s name and the amount of their last donation vs our current “static” donation page provided by RaiseDonors.

Research Question

Will referring to visitors by their first name and featuring their past giving history on the donation page result in greater donations?


C: Control
T1: Deposit Fix Page


 Treatment NameConv. RateRelative DifferenceConfidence
C: Control 37.0%
T1: Deposit Fix Page 29.4%-20.6% 74.6%

This experiment has a required sample size of 293 in order to be valid. Unfortunately, the required sample size was not met and a level of confidence above 95% was not met so the experiment results are not valid.

Key Learnings

According to Hubspot, no one converted on the smart variations of the Deposit Fix page. The donations we acquired were on the standard/non-smart version which was seen by visitors not in Hubspot. Our hypothesis is that people were turned off when they saw their prior gift/first name on the deposit fix page leading to few donations.

We think the reason that the smart content on the page worked when coming from an email campaign is because donors had just read a personalized email, so then seeing a personalized donation page “made sense” in a way seeing a personalized page while just browsing the public site didn’t. We will continue to test these two solutions to see what more we can learn.

Experiment Documented by NextAfter

Question about experiment #21306

If you have any questions about this experiment or would like additional details not discussed above, please feel free to contact them directly.