Buckner International

How adding a gift array to a year end donation page affects donor conversion

Experiment ID: #2542

Buckner International

Buckner International is a global ministry dedicated to the transformation and restoration of the lives we serve. We are a Christ-centered organization that delivers redemptive ministry to the most vulnerable from the beginning to the ending of life.

Experiment Summary

Timeframe: 12/21/2017 - 01/03/2018

Buckner International was running their year-end campaign and wanted to test how adding a gift array to their year-end donation page would affect donor conversion and gift value. All other elements of the page remained the same.

Research Question

How does adding gift array buttons to a donation form affect donor conversion and average gift?


C: With Gift Array
T1: No Gift Array


 Treatment NameRevenue per VisitorRelative DifferenceConfidenceAverage Gift
C: With Gift Array $26.16$85.28
T1: No Gift Array $37.2242.3% 69.2%$134.32

This experiment was validated using 3rd party testing tools. Based upon those calculations, a significant level of confidence was not met so these experiment results are not valid.

Key Learnings

We saw a 10% decrease to conversion rate (not statistically significant) but a 42% increase to revenue per visitor when we removed the buttons during year end (not statistically significant). Given the low significance, this is something that would need to be re-tested in future appeals before making any definitive statements. However, based upon these results, it may make sense to segment high dollar donors ($100+) and provide them with a different giving experience than lower level and non-donors. Basically, use the buttons to remove friction for the less motivated audience and then allow the higher donors to choose their own level of generosity. Again, this is a hypothesis that will need to be revalidated with a future test.

Experiment Documented by NextAfter

Question about experiment #2542

If you have any questions about this experiment or would like additional details not discussed above, please feel free to contact them directly.