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The Higher Ed Online Fundraising Scorecard Research Preview

Published by NextAfter

When it comes to online fundraising, Higher Ed organizations operate a little bit differently. And based on brand new research from iDonate and NextAfter, every Higher Ed has room to improve their online giving experience and donor email communications.

After analyzing the online giving experience and tracking 45 days of email communication for 109 Higher Ed organizations — including large universities, small/liberal arts organizations, and community colleges — we found that:

  • 8 out of 10 higher ed organizations scored an F for their online giving experience.
  • 8 out of 10 did not provide a strong reason to give on their donation page
  • 76% sent less than 3 emails in the first 45 days after a donation

What you’ll get in this free webinar on higher ed online giving

In the free webinar you’ll get a first-hand look what we learned from donating to and tracking email communication from 109 higher education organizations.

You’ll get answers to key questions including:

  • How are higher ed organizations communicating why someone should give on their donation page?
  • How many steps does it take just to make a donation?
  • How are higher ed organizations focusing on recurring giving?
  • How are they using email to ask for donations?
  • And much more.

Watch the Higher Ed Online Fundraising Webinar

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Additional Resources

The Higher Ed Online Fundraising Scorecard

Get a copy of The Higher Ed Online Fundraising Scorecard to dive deeper into the results and learn how higher ed organizations can improve their online fundraising and donor communications.

Get Your Free Scorecard

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Published by NextAfter
